
Happy Monday

So after my daily run this afternoon, I was sitting at my computer researching Healthy People 2010 stuff (and also blog stalking about missing out on Chicago thunderstorms) when I realized, that the room I was sitting in was beginning to grow darker. The weatherman said we might be getting a storm this afternoon but I usually don't get too excited about anything the weatherman has to say. But ALAS - A huge thunderstorm just rolled through the Heber Valley! Unfortunately while I was basking in this fun thunderstorm, I couldn't believe my eyes when suddenly I saw a fire had started on one of the mountains on other side of the valley.
I have been keeping my eye on it, and I believe the fire is disipating. But Still! - Can you believe it? I find myself feeling a little nervous about a fire breaking out on our side of the mountain now. How horrible.
And now for a little video of the storm....
Hopefully I will have better/more exciting news in the upcoming weeks as I continue to apply for jobs. Keep your fingers crossed for us :)


Starting Anew

Unfortunately I lost access to my "jonathanandkelli" blog due to an issue with blogger vs. google accounts and attempting to reset my password to an email address that I no longer have access to. So instead of wasting more time trying to get access to the old blog, I have decided to start anew. Trust me, I wasted hours trying to get access to the other blog because I hate to loose all of those memories but oh well.
So this past week I went to Chicago and spent a TON of time with my family since it was our family reunion and an equally enjoyable time hanging out with friends. For a nice preview of our family reunion pictures - go to this website:
And here are a few photos that I took...
The Smith Girls
Below are all 24 of my nieces and nephews. The oldest is Becca who is turning 15 this week and she is holding the youngest who is Elysse. I am sure there are many more additions to come :)